If you want to be prepared for any type of emergency situation you always need to have the right gear to hand. You may live in the tornado belt, on a fault line or any other area prone to natural disaster, or, you just want to make sure that you are always ready for any type of emergency - natural or otherwise. If you also spend a lot of time outdoors or enjoy honing your survivalist skills, then the right kit is also a must have.
Rather than needing to spend time trawling different stores to put together the kit you need, why not consider buying a tactical subscription box? You may be new to the great outdoors or spend most of your time outside but either way, there will be a subscription box for you. These boxes also make great gifts for those family members of friends who you struggle to buy presents for.
If you are considering a tactical subscription box, or you already subscribe to one and want something a little different, then you’ll be pleased to know we have done some of the research to make it easier for you to choose the best tactical subscription boxes for your interests and requirements.Quick Comparison Between The 11 Best Tactical Subscription Boxes
Subscription Box | Grade |
Steel to Reel Club | A+ |
Spec Ops Global | A+ |
Barrel & Blade | A- |
Battlbox.com | A+ |
Club Tac | A |
SHTF Survival | A |
Primal Outpost | A |
Crate Club | A+ |
The KinderBox | A |
Cairn | A- |
1. Steel to Reel Club
Curated by experts, the Steel to Reel Club subscription box is a monthly subscription box offering a range of gear for all types of outdoor interests. The Survivor Box is aimed at those who may be newer to the great outdoors while the Survivor Plus is an upgraded version of the Survivor Box. For those who enjoy outdoors regularly then the Survivor Pro Box and the Survivor Elite Box contain products more suitable for those who are experienced.
The products in the box each month are handpicked by a group of veterans and survivalists and the contents of each box are designed to work alongside each other to maximize your experience and enjoyment.
You can set up your account online although you are required to purchase a three month plan up front, rather than just pay for it month by month.
Highlighted Features
- Contents are suitable for outdoor pursuits and survival activities
- Box is put together by experts
- You can set up and manage your monthly subscription online
The Survivor box is priced at $35 a month while the Survivor Elite Box is currently $325. You will need to commit to a three month subscription when you first sign up.
Steel to Reel Club boxes are only available to the US.
2. Spec Ops Global
Containing a selection of survival and tactical gear, the Spec Ops Global is a monthly subscription box available to the US and other countries. Suitable for general outdoors, survival and prepping, the box includes field items, vests, Molle gear and a range of other survival and tactical items that are where possible made in the US and Europe. The company also prides itself on including items that may not be found in other tactical subscription boxes. The gear does arrive boxed, making it ideal for gifting and you can easily set up and manage your account online.
Highlighted Features
- Monthly subscription box focusing on tactical and survival gear
- Includes items not available in other subscription boxes
- Sources products from the US and Europe
Prices start at $24.99 for a Spec Ops Global subscription box.
Available to the US and other countries. If you reside elsewhere then you may want to check out any laws which may affect shipping of some of the items to you. There may also be taxes to pay as well as extra shipping costs.
3. Barrel & Blade
The monthly subscription box, Barrel & Blade contains a variety of products which is not only expert approved but also field tested. The products included may be for tactical, survival or preparation tasks or even just for EDC.
Unlike some of the other tactical subscription boxes, you cannot specify your interests when you order so some months not all the gear may be as much use as you would like. You can open your subscriber account online and cancel at any time.
Highlighted Features
- The gear is approved by experts and also field tested
- Suitable for survival, tactical and preparedness needs
- Easy to manage your subscription account online
The Barrel & Blade Level 1 box is currently $49.99 per month including shipping and the Level 2 is $99.99.
You can only subscribe to Barrel & Blade if you live in the US.
4. Battlbox.com
Battlbox offers four subscription boxes. A Basic box is geared at those who are new to the outdoors and contains emergency items, basic survival tools and manuals. The Advanced box is more suitable for those who camp and hike more frequently and includes EDC and bushcraft products. For experienced survivalists, the Pro and Pro Plus boxes contain additional items.
As well as being able to gift the subscription boxes, there is also a good selection of one-off boxes that you can gift, including a hunting gift box and a Safe 4 Kids box.
Highlighted Features
- Offers a variety of subscription boxes from the basics upwards
- Ideal for outdoor interests, preparedness and survival
- Also have a subscription box suitable for gifting to kids
The Basic box is $29.99 a month and the prices increase up to and including the Pro Plus box which is currently $159.99. Shipping costs are additional.
Battlbox is only available to subscribers in the US and Canada.
5. Club Tac
The Club Tac box contains a selection of tactical, survival and outdoor products which are handpicked by survival experts, specialists and vets. Unlike other tac boxes, this also utilizes a ranking system which means you get some free gear when you level up.
You can sign up for a new subscription and also manage your account online. If you decide this box is not for you then you can also cancel online.
Highlighted Features
- Specialist tactical and survival gear selected by experts
- When you subscribe you also enter into a ranking system that counts towards free gear!
- Your subscription account can be managed online
A monthly Club Tac box is currently $59.99 with shipping costs included.
This box can only be shipped within the US.
6. SHTF Survival
The boxes contain a variety of survivalist and emergency preparedness items such as water filtration, hand tools, first aid kits, outdoor gear and more which are essentials for natural disasters and more. There are currently three SHTF boxes available starting at $19.99 a month plus shipping. It is easy to set up a subscription account online as there is no commitment which means you can cancel at any time. If you choose to prepay for between 3 and 12 months, you will also receive a monthly shipping discount.
Highlighted Features
- Focuses on kit for preparedness and survival
- Three different boxes to choose from
- You can pay monthly or prepay for three to 12 months
The Primary Box starts at $19.99 a month and the items within this have a $40 value. The Pro box includes everything in the Primary box and more and costs $49.99 or the Elite box costs $89.99.
Only available to subscribers in the US and military addresses overseas.
7. Primal Outpost
If you enjoy hunting, fishing and camping along with a few more strenuous activities such as rock climbing then Primal Outpost may just be the subscription box for you. Each month, the boxes include a range of brand name products which have been tested out. Products can include tools, EDC, gear, accessories, trail foods and more.
It costs $45 per month on a monthly subscription and will include at least five items with a retail value of around $75. You can also buy a prepaid subscription box which will reduce the overall cost each month. You can fully manage your subscription account online.
Highlighted Features
- Ideal for a range of outdoor activities including the essentials and even rock climbing!
- Includes brand name and field tested products
- You can pay each month or order upfront for a monthly discount
On a pay monthly subscription, a Primal Outpost box is $45 per month plus $4.99 priority shipping.
Only available to subscribers in the US.
8. Crate Club
Offering a range of products for survivalists, enthusiasts and more, Crate Club offers three subscription boxes: the Lieutenant, the Captain and the General. The Lieutenant is an entry level box containing the basics while the General offers equipment actually used by Special Forces and Navy SEALs. The contents of the boxes are also selected and tested by Navy SEALs and other professionals to ensure the products are best quality and where possible, sourced from North America.
The items supplied always have a higher retail price than what you pay for your subscription and you can choose to sign up for a quarterly or annual membership.
Highlighted Features
- Three different monthly boxes available
- Contents are chosen and tested by Navy SEALs and other experts
- The box can contain equipment used by Navy SEALs and Special Forces
- Available as a prepaid quarterly or annual subscription
The Lieutenant costs $49.99 a month when you pay quarterly the Captain, $99.99 and the General, $399.99. If you take out an annual subscription, then you will save 10% on the box price and receive free shipping!
Only available to subscribers in the US and international US military addresses.
9. The KinderBox
Curated for men, The KinderBox is a monthly subscription box that contains a selection of outdoor gear, EDC, tech, tools and grooming products. Each month the box will contain over five products and shipping is free to the US. You can also gift a onetime KinderBox which is aimed at recipients who are aged 21 to 35. You can buy The KinderBox online and manage your account, including cancelation through your account page.
Highlighted Features
- Monthly box containing a variety of outdoor products, EDC and grooming treats
- Aimed at men in the 21 to 35 age group
- Your subscription account can be fully managed online
A pay monthly plan is currently around $37 which includes free shipping. This box includes five items with a retail value of over $50. You can also order this is a three month or six month plan which will give a discount on the cost of the monthly plan. The one off gift KinderBox is $35 including shipping. There is also a discount available to military members.
Only available to subscribers in the US and Canada (extra shipping cost is $7.99).
The APOCABOX is a two month subscription box offering a range of survival tools, field guides, gear and EDC. Each box will also contain at least one artisan crafted survival themed item and a survival skills challenge which focuses on learning a specific survival skill. There is also the option to only subscribe to the APOCABOX Survival Skills Project.
You can sign up and cancel online and there is even a satisfaction guarantee for the box!
Highlighted Features
- Two monthly subscription box offering outdoor and survivalist gear and EDC
- Each month there will also be a hand crafted item and a survival skill challenge
- Also comes with a complete satisfaction guarantee!
A two month/bimonthly APOCABOX is $50 plus $10.95 shipping. For new subscribers, the plan also includes a Welcome Box. The Survival Skills Project subscription is $15.99 plus shipping.
You can only buy APOCABOX for shipping in the US.
11. Cairn
Focusing on outdoor gear, Cairn offers monthly subscription boxes that contains emergency kit and outdoor adventure gear such as cookware, foods and trail snacks, insect repellents, socks and other apparel.
As well as the basic box, Cairn also offers an Obsidian Collection box that includes over $300 of gear in each box. If you take the time to review your box products you will earn points that you can then redeem in the Cairn online shop.
When you sign up for a new subscription you are able to choose your interests along with apparel sizes so sometimes your box will be more tailored to you. You can manage your account completely online.
Highlighted Features
- Boxes include outdoor adventure and emergency kit
- Two subscription boxes available
- There is a little customization depending on your interests
- You can set up and manage your subscription box account online
Currently retaining at around $30 per month, the box will contain up to $50 worth of products. Shipping is also included. If you prepay for longer, the monthly box cost will reduce. The Obsidian Collection is just under $250 per quarter.
Cairn is available to US subscribers only.
Buyer’s Guide for The Best Tactical Subscription Boxes
The best tactical subscription boxes are usually put together by military and survivalist specialists who have often have field tested the gear to not only make sure it does what it should but also that it is high quality.
The contents of the boxes will differ across different companies. Some are more focused on tactical and specialist military gear while others are designed to support outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking and camping and more. These will often contain essential tools, gear, accessories, trail foods and more.
There are also some boxes explicitly designed for survivalists, whether you just want to be prepared for any situation or enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors carrying minimal kit. Almost all kits will include EDC preparedness essentials and may also include survivalist books, field guides and other useful manuals to improve your prepping and survivalist knowledge.
Be aware that some boxes may contain alcohol or other age related products so may not always be suitable for younger recipients.
The boxes may also be designed for different levels of skill and knowledge. The more basic and budget friendly boxes may contain essentials such as fire starting and water purifying kits that will support you if you are more of an outdoors or survivalist rookie while the more expensive kits contain highly specialized products which will be of more value and use if you are an experienced survivalist.
The majority of boxes are available as a pay monthly subscription, but they often offer a discount if you pay for a certain number of months upfront.
The value of items in the boxes are usually above the price you pay for the box which means you have the chance to own decent gear at less than cost price. Some companies will also offer access to videos and other online resources as well as the opportunity to buy other products at a discounted price. The best tactical subscription boxes will also allow you to try out some new stuff that you may not have considered trying out or even seen before.
As with any subscription boxes, you may get products that you do not need, but one way to deal with this is to keep an empty box to hand and put any unwanted or duplicate items in there so you always have some gifts to hand for your friends!
Being ready for any potential situation is important and rather than you needing to visit different stores to find the essentials that you need you can just sign up to a tactical subscription box. They also make perfect gifts for those folks who think they already have everything!
These boxes also offer a great opportunity to try out new stuff as well as providing the old favorites – all of which will help make sure you will always be ready for whatever situation you may find yourself in.